Don't leave your car running when you aren't driving.
A running car that isn't moving is getting zero miles per gallon of gas. If you are stopped somewhere longer than a stop sign or stop light, turn off your engine.
Not only is it not fuel efficient, there are several harmful pollutants in the exhaust. When trapped in an area that is not ventilated, these pollutants can cause death. Think about this the next time you are stopped somewhere with your windows down. Please share this with anyone who idles their vehicle while waiting for kids to get out of school -all of those parents with vehicles emitting toxic fumes into the air that their children breathe. Children are more vulnerable to air pollution, because they breathe faster than adults, and inhale more air per pound of their body weight. Might I suggest walking your kids to school and back. It's better for the enviroment and healthier for you.
Next time you go to pick someone up from the airport or from school or you're in line at the drive-through, turn off your engine. It's actually more fuel efficient to start your car back up again than to idle the engine for more than 30 seconds.
here's what I'm going to do:
I'm going to turn off my car if I'm stopped - for me it would mean when I'm dropping someone off and I'm still having a conversation.
I'm going to avoid drive-throughs as much as possible.
I am going to start walking to church on Sunday.
I feel a sense of urgency to better our earth. Let's face it. We have been doing so many horrible things to our planet. It's time to start treating her with kindness and respect. I want to start living more responsibly. This blog is going to have a weekly tip on how to live more responsibly and treat mother earth with kindness. I want to challenge anyone who reads this to do the same and to report back on how it affects their lives. Please share this blog with others so we can spread the word and unite to make a real difference. Ready?